Fishing Adventure

Rozières Gite Rental in Allier France

We have decided to set up small fishing adventures within Allier, from fishing for small fish in the Couleuvre commune lake to the larger lakes and river in the area for experienced or novice to beginners.

There is all sorts of types of fishing, ranging from Fly fishing to Carp fishing, two very different ways to fishing.


This is to give people a chance to try fishing, for adults or children for the first time, imagine sitting on a small lake and being able to catch a fish for the first time with out any worries.


This would be for someone who has fished before, who either wants to try different ways to fish in their particular fishing discipline, maybe using a float on a river instead of on a lake or target a specious of fish using a different type of float that you have never caught before.

You might want to try using a quiver tip on a lake, and would like to give it a go, before spending any money on equipment so you could to see if you like it.

We are very lucky living here in Allier France as its gives you the opportunity to either try or be guided to places on rivers or lakes to fish which ever discipline you desire.

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This would be for a fisher person who has got all the equipment and would like to challenge them self in a different lakes and locations for their target fish.

For example say you have always fished lakes for carp, and you would like to try you hand at catching a wild river carp instead there are many places here that you could try, imagine having the bragging writes when you get home off a French river carp instead of one from a stocked French lake.

We can customise your fishing needs to your requirements, arrange any licenses you will need so that you can fish with out any worries, show you places we have personal fished with success, guide you through what baits and setup we used to catch our fish or give it a go your self it’s called fishing for a reason.


This would be for someone who is very experienced in all fishing techniques and wishes to find different challenges for them to conquer, this would be to fill a dream

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